To download an update, select the corresponding Knowledge Base article in the following list, and then go to the "How to download and install the update" section of the article. At this point, just type any random string of. The next screen prompts you to enter a password for the account.

We recommend that you install all updates that apply to you. At the screen asking for a Microsoft account email address, type aa.com. At the next screen, confirm or change the name you want to use for your local account. These updates are intended to help our customers keep their computers up-to-date. Type the password or PIN for your Microsoft account. But the another problem is i forget what i wrote in indetify information or something like that.Btw it was like 3 years ago.Bcs every year the microsoft help forum refuse my appeal. Microsoft released the following security and nonsecurity updates for Office in June 2023. Vytvoeno dne erMy account was hacked So my account was hacked and someone change my password and add his email.